Mosaic Symposium Turkey
From March 13 till 27 2021 i partcipated in the First International Virtual Mosaic Symposium Turkey. Together with 20 other international mosaic artists i worked on a mosiac, form home. The theme of the symposium was : “From stars to stones, a tribute to Göbeklitepe and Karahantepe “. Both are very interesting archeological sites in Turkey. They are also called The Zero Point in History : the moment our civilization started. It was very inspiring to be able to make a mosaic on this theme.
During thos two weeks i worked very hard. Normally it would take much more time to make a mosaic. The studio was filled with boxes and crates full of smalti and marble. And thismis the final result of my labour.
The work is called: “The energy of the past, is the fuel for the future “. My thoughts about it :
“The energy of the past is the fuel for the future”
Feel the energy of the past hidden in the stones.
Only the stars know their story.
Only the universe knows our future.
Let’s not waste this energy, but use it to create a beautiful future.
For ourselves, our children, our planet and all it’s creatures.
Made with love by Natasja Mulder,, The Netherlands, March 2021
Some other mosaics made during this symposium :