Composizione Oro e Legno Piccola 2

Composizione Oro e Legno Piccola 2 -Orsoni gold leaf smalti- wood- Mozaïekatelier Colorito-Natasja Mulder

Composizione Oro e Legno Piccola 2

“Composizione Oro e Legno : A story about light and richness. Experience the warmth when gold and wood come together.”

Composizione Oro e Legno Piccola 2 appreciates the value of the century old Byzantian gold, presented in a modern way.  It consists of 300 hand-sawn cubes of wood measuring 17x17x17 mm. Each cube holds a piece of gold mosaic ( gold leaf layer in between two layers of glass )  in 7 different shades . Creating a unique interaction between all these materials and bringing them to life. The light falls on the Byzantian gold and reflects it into the room, thus creating a very special feel.

The smaller version in this series (Oro e legno piccola 2) measures only 33 x33 cm.  Great for a small space or room.  You could also combine it with a few more other pieces of the same size.

It is my own design and part of the series of conceptual mosaics with almost unlimited possibilities.

Are you interested in this mosaic or one of the others of this series ? Or a new design within this concept ? Please feel free to contact me.

If you would like to see some of my other works, click on La Primavera, Sibille from Delphi, Mirror Classico Marrone.