La Mitragliatrice

La Mitragliatrice- portret-Mozaïekatelier Colorito-Natasja Mulder

La Mitragliatrice

La Mitragliatrice is an interpretation of a painting made into a mosaic. It’s a specific part of the painting of the same name made by C. Nevison from 1915. It depicts a soldier druing the First World War operating a machine gun.

As you can see, it’s quite feasable to translate paintings into mosaics, especially using smalti. The thing that makes it so special is the fact that, at times, the mosaic version is actually more beautiful and expressive than the painting itself!  Because smalti isn’t flat it enables me to create much more effect.

Do you own a painting that you’d like to convert into a mosaic version? Talk to me about the possibilities. Feel free to contact me here.

Would you like to see more of my work ? Have a look at Composizione Oro e Legno 3, Milky Way, Mirror Blue Wavy.